Privileged Access Management

What is Cyber Insurance, and How Does PAM Help Reduce Its Costs?

Discover how Cyber Insurance protects your company from data breaches and cyberattacks, offering an effective solution to mitigate financial risks. Learn more about the benefits and critical reasons to invest in cyber insurance.

Cyber threats are escalating in severity and frequency, presenting significant financial risks for businesses. The increasing sophistication of cyberattacks, from data breaches to ransomware, necessitates a proactive approach to risk management. Cyber insurance, or cyber liability insurance, is a specialized product designed to protect organizations from the financial repercussions of cyber incidents. By covering the extensive costs associated with responding to and recovering from cyberattacks, cyber insurance ensures business continuity and regulatory compliance.

Additionally, implementing Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions, like senhasegura, is crucial in enhancing cybersecurity measures and reducing cyber insurance costs by mitigating risks and demonstrating robust security practices to insurers.

In this article, we will explore:

  • What cyber insurance is and what it covers
  • 4 reasons to acquire cyber insurance
  • 6 ways Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions can help when purchasing cyber insurance

What is Cyber Insurance?

Cyber insurance, also known as cyber liability insurance, is a specialized insurance product designed to protect businesses and organizations from the financial consequences of cybersecurity incidents, such as data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other cyber threats. 

As these risks continue to evolve and increase in frequency and sophistication, cyber insurance has become a critical component of comprehensive risk management strategies for companies of all sizes. It helps organizations mitigate the costs associated with responding to and recovering from cyberattacks, ensuring business continuity and regulatory compliance.

What does Cyber Insurance cover?

Cyber insurance coverage encompasses a broad range of costs and losses related to cyber incidents. These include:

  • Data Breach Response: Notification costs, credit monitoring services, and public relations
  • Legal and Regulatory Expenses: Legal fees, regulatory fines, and penalties
  • Cyber Extortion: Ransom payments and negotiation costs
  • Business Interruption: Income loss and extra expenses to maintain operations
  • Network Security Liability: Third-party claims and legal defense
  • Crisis Management: Reputation management and customer support
  • Digital Asset Restoration: Data restoration and software/system repair

These comprehensive coverage options ensure that businesses can effectively manage and recover from various cyber incidents, safeguarding their financial stability and reputation.

4 Reasons to Acquire Cyber Insurance

Acquiring Cyber Insurance is a crucial strategy that acts as a financial safety net to mitigate the risks associated with cybersecurity incidents. Although companies do their best to protect their networks, systems, and data, no system is entirely foolproof, and the financial impact of a data breach can be severe. Here are four compelling reasons to secure cyber insurance:

1. Complexity and Evolution of Cyber Threats

The frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks have surged dramatically. The FBI reports a 300% increase in cybersecurity complaints since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with ransomware attacks being particularly prevalent. Cyber insurance provides the necessary protection and cost recovery following such incidents.

2. Financial Impact of Data Breaches

IBM's 2023 "Cost of Data Breach Report" points out that the global average cost of a data breach was $4.45 million, a 2.3% increase relative to the $4.35 million cost in 2022. In the long term, the average cost of $3.86 million in the 2020 report has increased by 15.3%.

Following Target’s data breach in 2013, the company faced direct costs exceeding $200 million. These costs included legal fees, fines, and customer compensation, underscoring the critical need for data breach insurance to mitigate drastic financial impacts.

3. Comprehensive Coverage Offered by Insurance

In 2017, FedEx suffered a ransomware attack that affected its European branch, TNT Express. This interruption resulted in costs of up to $300 million in lost revenue and recovery. Proper cyber insurance could have significantly offset these expenses.

4. Regulations and Legal Requirements 

Data breaches can lead to substantial fines under regulations like GDPR, which can impose penalties of up to 4% of annual global revenue. A notable example occurred in 2020 when the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la Protezione dei dati personali) imposed a fine of 27.8 million euros on TIM - Telecom Italy after determining that the telecommunications company violated several GDPR standards.

During the process, the authority highlighted infractions committed by the company, including illegal data processing, employing aggressive marketing practices in non-compliance with GDPR, insufficient or invalid user consent collection, and prolonged retention of personal data.

Ensuring compliance with these regulations, supported by cyber liability insurance, is crucial for financial and regulatory adherence.

6 Ways Privileged Access Management (PAM) Solutions Can Help When Purchasing Cyber Insurance

A PAM (Privileged Access Management) tool like senhasegura can be crucial for a company seeking to obtain cyber insurance, and in some cases, even mandatory.

senhasegura helps manage and monitor privileged access to your organization's critical systems and data. This function is essential for enhancing cybersecurity, which in turn reduces risk for insurers and can influence their decision when analyzing the issuance and price of a cyber insurance policy. Below are detailed ways that senhasegura can help in this process:

1.Reducing Cyber Risks

senhasegura helps mitigate cyber risks by controlling who has access to sensitive information and critical data. By limiting this access to a small number of individuals under strictly controlled conditions, a company can demonstrate to insurers that it has effective measures in place to prevent security incidents.

2. Regulation Compliance

Many industries are subject to strict regulations regarding data protection, such as GDPR in Europe, LGPD in Brazil, and HIPAA in the USA. senhasegura helps ensure compliance with these standards, which is a positive factor for insurers as it reduces the risk of penalties that can result from data breaches.

3. Role-Based Access Control and Least Privilege

The implementation of the least privilege principle, a recommended practice in cybersecurity, can be effectively managed by senhasegura. This principle ensures that users have only the necessary level of access to perform their tasks, thus reducing the possibility of privilege abuse or human error that could result in a security lapse.

4. Auditing and Monitoring Privileged User Activities

senhasegura allows detailed tracking of privileged user activities. This monitoring capability facilitates the quick detection of suspicious or anomalous behaviors, enabling immediate corrective actions. This is crucial during security incident investigations, providing evidence that can be vital for both internal processes and legal examinations.

5. Improving Overall Security Posture

senhasegura elevates the maturity of your company's security posture. This is viewed favorably by insurers, as more secure companies are considered lower risk and may qualify for better premium rates or insurance terms.

6. Creating Documented Evidence

Having well-documented and readily accessible evidence of access and activities can streamline the insurance claim process by enabling the company to present clear and compelling proof of the events as they unfolded and the security measures that were in place.

How PAM Lowers the Price of Cyber Insurance
As the demand for cyber insurance increases, so does the pricing and red tape. This free resource explains how a Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution can overcome these challenges.

This essential whitepaper provides insights into:
  • Why does cyber insurance cost what it costs?
  • How can PAM help?
  • How does PAM impact costs?
  • …and much more


Cyber threats are constantly changing and require strong cybersecurity strategies for all organizations. Cyber insurance provides essential financial protection, covering costs related to data breaches, business interruptions, and legal expenses. Implementing Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions, such as senhasegura, greatly enhances cybersecurity, reduces risks, and can lead to lower cyber insurance costs.

Considering the significant financial and reputational harm that can result from cyber incidents, investing in cyber liability insurance, along with robust PAM solutions, is a strategic decision for any organization. It helps mitigate immediate financial impacts, supports long-term resilience, and empowers businesses to confidently navigate the complex landscape of cyber threats.

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70% lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) compared to competitors.
90% higher Time to Value (TTV) with a quick 7-minute deployment.
The Only PAM solution available on the market that covers the entire privileged access lifecycle.