A safe cloud representing Domum Remote Access.

senhasegura Domum Remote Access

Faster and safer access to company resources for your users without the hassle of VPNs.

senhasegura Remote Access allows you to secure, manage, and audit vendor and employee remote privileged access. Give legitimate users the access they need to be productive while keeping attackers out – without the hassle and expense of VPNs.


How It Works

Key Benefits

Senhasegura helps you eliminate the guesswork in password management, shadow IT, infrastructure, and secret sharing so you can keep your people safe and your business moving.

Eliminate a Threat Vector

Give remote workers, contractors, and vendors access to critical assets without a VPN.

Meet Compliance Requirements

Satisfy internal and external compliance requirements with comprehensive audit trails and session forensics.

Remove Friction and Increase Productivity

Give your users a Privileged Access solution they’ll love, that lets them do their jobs faster and easier.

Enforce Separation of Duties (SOD)

Give users the access they need – but only the access they need – when they need it.

Reduce Costs and Complexity

Remove the need for VPNs or additional configuration for remote users.

Ensure Zero Trust

Provide temporary access and validate identities continuously and efficiently.

Main Features

Senhasegura Remote Access helps you enforce the policy of least privilege by giving users just the right level of access needed for their roles, along with individual accountability for shared accounts. Define what assets users can access, schedule when they can access them, and whitelist/blacklist applications for a comprehensive approach to privileged access.

Centralized Access

Whenever an employee or third party needs to access the devices managed by the platform, senhasegura Remote Access sends an approved access link to the end user, which allows instant and secure access to the appropriate devices.

Remote Access Management

Block any other form of remote access to eliminate open ports that are often exploited by intruders. In a single desktop screen, it is possible to obtain a centralized view of actions performed in the environment. Restrict access based on aspects such as geolocation, time or day of the week, and duration.

Granular Permissions

Permission settings can be added for a third party or team, thus restricting which systems they can access and when. According to Forrester’s Wave for PIM report, senhasegura is among the most granular PAM solutions in the market, which enables better adherence to security policies.

Audit Trails and Alerts

We allow you to record a series of audit trails for each action performed by third parties, in addition to configuring alerts for unusual activities. Our centralized management system includes intuitive dashboards, session recording, and live streaming.

Two-Factor Authentication

All third parties with access to the corporate network are required to use unique credentials and two-factor authentication. This reduces the risk of third-party credential theft and improves regulatory compliance.

Passwordless Authentication

senhasegura Remote Access allows access to devices without the need for a username or password, reducing friction and increasing efficiency

senhasegura Domum Product demo.

Comprehensive Logging and Auditing

While contractors and vendors are often valuable resources, they can also pose risks. With senhasegura Remote Access, you get our full collection of privileged account and session management features, such as real-time monitoring, session recording, threat analysis, and user behavior. This decreases your attack surface, improving both visibility and accountability.

Recognized by Top Analysts Worldwide

9+ top consulting firms recognize senhasegura as a global leader.

Read what they have to say about us:

senhasegura was named a gold medal winner and top choice by the Info-Tech Research Group in their SoftwareReviews Top Privileged Access Management Software Awards for the year 2023. ITRG’s reports are collected from real end users and analyzed in an exhaustive fashion with extensive data analytics. Our report, based on real feedback, shows a 99% Likeliness to Recommend and 100% Plan to Renew, along with a Business Value Satisfaction rating of 90%- substantially higher than any other company. “senhasegura ranks as an outlier and clear leader among all other PAM solutions.” This recognition underscores our unwavering commitment to delivering superior solutions and exceptional service.
According to German IT analysis company KuppingerCole, senhasegura is the Overall Leader in PAM because it fits into three base categories: Global Leader, Product Leader, and Innovation Leader; with a highlight on ease of use, good customization, and a unique key analysis feature offered by the solution. With this, senhasegura positions itself in the elite group of the recent Leadership Compass report for Privileged Access Management (PAM).
The ISA Global Cybersecurity Alliance has teamed up with senhasegura to advance cybersecurity awareness and knowledge sharing. Our main objective is to address the clear and present dangers of cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities to companies, society, citizens and their actions and privileged information. We strive to work against data theft and comply with the most rigorous auditing requirements and standards. Cybersecurity is a fundamental right for citizens, institutions, and society, and we are committed to making it a reality.

Request a Demo or Meeting

Discover the power of Identity Security and see how it can enhance your organization's security and cyber resilience.

Schedule a demo or a meeting with our experts today.
70% lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) compared to competitors.
90% higher Time to Value (TTV) with a quick 7-minute deployment.
The Only PAM solution available on the market that covers the entire privileged access lifecycle.

Has your company moved to a remote work model?

Can your security team guarantee protection of the digital assets being accessed by both employees and third parties?

senhasegura designed Domum Remote Access to address the problems associated with remote work. This solution provides users secure access to corporate infrastructure devices based on Zero Trust principles from wherever they are, without the need for VPNs or additional agents, licensing, or configurations.

Check out our datasheet that explains our Remote Access solution in more detail, and how it can help protect remote work at your company.
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