GDPR compliance doesn’t have to be complicated.
Learn how Privileged Access Management makes the compliance process easy.

A secure computer representing GDPR.

What is GDPR?

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) has been active across all EU Member States since 2016, officially enforced in May 2018.

This regulation outlines and extends data privacy regulations, imposing penalties for non-compliance. Fines for data breaches can reach 20 million euros or 4% of the organization’s annual revenue.

With the GDPR in full effect, a series of new challenges will be introduced for the IT department in companies that deal with information from citizens of member states, even those located or that process personal data outside of the European Union.

How does senhasegura help with GDPR compliance?

Senhasegura aims to support security teams in implementing the adjustments mandated by the GDPR. Through the solution, administrators can define and enforce access and privacy policies for privileged users across the environment and thus comply with the new regulations.

The senhasegura solution can help your organization comply with the 10 data privacy principles endorsed by the GDPR:

Necessity: Only process the minimum data needed, relevant to the purpose, and not excessive.

Transparency: Provide clear, accessible information to individuals about data processing and processors while respecting trade secrets.

Suitability: Ensure treatment aligns with informed purposes and context.

Non-Discrimination: Prohibit processing for illegal or discriminatory purposes.

Purpose: Process data for specific, legitimate, and informed purposes without unauthorized further use.

Prevention: Implement measures to prevent harm from personal data processing.

Security: Employ technical and administrative measures to protect data from unauthorized access or loss.

Accountability: Demonstrate effective measures ensuring compliance with data protection rules.

Data Quality: Guarantee accuracy, clarity, relevance, and up-to-date data for intended use.

Free Access: Offer individuals easy, free access to understand how and why their data is processed.

PAM Core – Managing the complete lifecycle of high-level privileged credentials

Centralized access management ensures maximum protection and control over generic and high-privilege credentials. It offers secure storage, segregates access, and provides full traceability of usage.

When configuring access groups, you can define administrator users who are allowed physical access passwords, plus user groups who can use the solution's remote access for accessing target devices or systems.

Every case can incorporate multi-level approval workflows and include reasons provided by the requesting user for added transparency.

Explore Our PAM

Switching to senhasegura is easy.

See how we can take away the stress of your privileged access management and make it quick, easy, and cost-effective.

Who is it recommended for?

senhasegura is a leading global solution in privileged access management with a mission to eliminate the abuse of privileges in organizations around the world. Our solution is recommended for companies that:

Have more than 10 users;
Must comply with cybersecurity rules and regulations;
Received points of attention in auditing;
Want to implement best security practices;
Need to reduce operating costs;
Have already suffered a security incident.
ciso businessman smiling and holding a computer

A Solution You Can Count On

"The management of the technological infrastructure in our company is a permanent challenge and privileged user management needs to have the proper focus and control. senhasegura allows adequate control and traceability of these accesses, creating just-in-time access to protect the most critical assets of the company The solution is also highly granular, allowing for better adherence to our information security policies."
Senior IT Analyst - Service Industry
"Many companies are having problems with third parties that manage their data centers (data leakage and data breaches). I see that senhasegura PAM is a great option to ensure secure access and active monitoring of all actions being performed by environment administrators."
CISO - Teaching and Education Industry

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70% lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) compared to competitors.
90% higher Time to Value (TTV) with a quick 7-minute deployment.
The Only PAM solution available on the market that covers the entire privileged access lifecycle.