PAM Solutions for Insider Threats

Learn how Privileged Access Management can protect your organization from insider threats.

A cell phone with an alert signal representing Insider Threat.

How do insider threats impact organizational security?

The information security department must always be aware of where threats are coming from. They can come from outside the company, but often they come from inside.

Security policies were once based on the concept of a security perimeter, emphasizing "Trust but verify." In this type of policy, all users and devices outside of the perimeter must be verified.

However, when it comes to data breaches, employees themselves can be one of the biggest risks to the organization. Therefore, modern security policies are transitioning to Zero Trust models, eliminating the security perimeter. This mandates continuous verification for everyone, both outside and inside the infrastructure.

These threats can be accidental when staff are poorly trained, negligent when employees try to circumvent implemented policies, or malicious – the most dangerous – when the employee is motivated by financial gain, espionage, or revenge.

One way to mitigate the risks of insider threats and limit the damage caused by such actions is to implement senhasegura, which fully meets the requirements to limit user privileges and control access to privileged accounts.

How does senhasegura solve this problem?

The senhasegura solution can help your organization prevent insider threats by:

Ensuring that only authorized users can access privileged accounts.

Preventing users from gaining unauthorized privileges.

Quickly detecting and receiving alerts of any abnormal activity that could signify an internal attack in progress.

Improving forensic analysis by generating detailed, tamper-proof audit trails for all privileged account activity.

Establishing strict accountability for the use of privileged accounts by tracking who accessed what accounts and what activities were performed.

PAM Core – Managing the complete lifecycle of high-level privileged credentials

Centralized access management ensures maximum protection and control over generic and high-privilege credentials. It offers secure storage, segregates access, and provides full traceability of usage.

When configuring access groups, you can define administrator users who are allowed physical access passwords, plus user groups who can use the solution's remote access for accessing target devices or systems.

Every case can incorporate multi-level approval workflows and include reasons provided by the requesting user for added transparency.

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Switching to senhasegura is easy.

See how we can take away the stress of your privileged access management and make it quick, easy, and cost-effective.

Who is it recommended for?

senhasegura is a leading global solution in privileged access management with a mission to eliminate the abuse of privileges in organizations around the world. Our solution is recommended for companies that:

Have more than 10 users;
Must comply with cybersecurity rules and regulations;
Received points of attention in auditing;
Want to implement best security practices;
Need to reduce operating costs;
Have already suffered a security incident.
ciso businessman smiling and holding a computer

A Solution You Can Count On

"senhasegura is an excellent PAM tool, allowing the secure management of credentials and secrets, as well as segregation of access and usage traceability. Another important factor to highlight in senhasegura is in the definition of access and privacy policies in the environment, which allows approval workflows are easily configured ensuring adherence and compliance throughout the credential management process."
Project Manager - Service Industry
"Before deploying senhasegura, our organization was in a scenario where there was no management over our privileged credentials, which increased our cybersecurity risks. After deploying the solution, we were able to implement a strong credential management process which minimized the associated risks if those credentials were violated."
IT Infrastructure Analyst - Financial Industry
"SenhaSegura was essential for the SAP Obsolescence Projects due to the need for the SAP SUM Tool to need controlled information to which the implementing technical teams could not have access an d the solution was provided by an automation developed by the SenhaSegura team, which made the information available from username and password directly in the pop-up of the SUM tool without displaying them, thus meeting our company IT security premises."
IT Associate

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Discover the power of Identity Security and see how it can enhance your organization's security and cyber resilience.

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70% lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) compared to competitors.
90% higher Time to Value (TTV) with a quick 7-minute deployment.
The Only PAM solution available on the market that covers the entire privileged access lifecycle.