PCI-DSS compliance doesn’t have to be complicated.
Learn how Privileged Access Management makes the compliance process easy.

A cell phone next to the lock representing PCI DSS.

What is PCI-DSS?

Cybercriminals’ most preferred targets are companies that accept credit card payments and store confidential customer data.

Because of this, in 2004 the card operator industry created the PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), an information security standard to tighten controls over payment and transaction data. This has helped protect companies from fraud, theft, and both credit card and information leaks.

How does senhasegura help with PCI-DSS compliance?

PCI-DSS requires that companies implement controls to associate a unique identity with each person who accesses a computer, as well as fully monitor their customers’ network resources and payment data.

Here are some ways the senhasegura solution helps your organization meet PCI-DSS requirements:

Implement controls in critical applications and systems.

Ensuring that all accesses are identified.

Applying a second authentication factor to external access.

Encrypting data stored and in transit.

Enabling traceability of all activities carried out in the environment.

Providing monitoring functions that allow you to track when users access their workstations.

Recording accesses and configuring alerts each time specific information is accessed, or there is an attempt to access.

Restricting access to environments that contain confidential customer data.

PAM Core – Managing the complete lifecycle of high-level privileged credentials

Centralized access management ensures maximum protection and control over generic and high-privilege credentials. It offers secure storage, segregates access, and provides full traceability of usage.

When configuring access groups, you can define administrator users who are allowed physical access passwords, plus user groups who can use the solution's remote access for accessing target devices or systems.

Every case can incorporate multi-level approval workflows and include reasons provided by the requesting user for added transparency.

Explore Our PAM

Switching to senhasegura is easy.

See how we can take away the stress of your privileged access management and make it quick, easy, and cost-effective.

Who is it recommended for?

senhasegura is a leading global solution in privileged access management with a mission to eliminate the abuse of privileges in organizations around the world. Our solution is recommended for companies that:

Have more than 10 users;
Must comply with cybersecurity rules and regulations;
Received points of attention in auditing;
Want to implement best security practices;
Need to reduce operating costs;
Have already suffered a security incident.
ciso businessman smiling and holding a computer

Customer Testimonials

"senhasegura is easy to use and has an excellent set of built-in modules to meet our security need related to user credentials, secrets and tokens. Its use to secure the CI / CD pipeline and implement DevSecOps, both in on-premises and cloud environments."
Information Security Analyst - Retail Industry
"In addition to the traditional password protection features offered by senhasegura, we use DevOps Secret Management and Certificate Management solutions to mitigate business and cybersecurity risks, including critical application downtime."
Cybersecurity - Retail Industry

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70% lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) compared to competitors.
90% higher Time to Value (TTV) with a quick 7-minute deployment.
The Only PAM solution available on the market that covers the entire privileged access lifecycle.