PAM Services for Task Management

Secured privileged task management

What It Is Task Management?

User action management on devices, allowing a user to execute a specific task without the need of password granting or privileged session authorization.


Enforcement of the least privilege concept required to perform privileged tasks;
Automating privileged tasks with authorized settings for environment executions;
Enables the secure execution of critical security tasks by less specialized resources;
Securely authorize privileged actions that will be performed on the devices.

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How It Works

senhasegura Task Management allows privileged task management on devices. From the automation of privileged tasks, it is possible to assign only the necessary permissions so that any user can perform critical activities in the environment in a secure way.


Authorize profiles and execute actions from the Function Panel, according to users and departments;

Configuration of which privileged actions and users should follow access workflows to execute;

Creation and approval of task configuration templates for users to run;

Sending actions and privileged execution notifications via email or SIEM;

Segregation of features and controls, avoiding single administrator in management;

Monitoring all performed tasks on the environment through run-logs;

Privileged execution of actions manually or automatically, by unit or batch;

Support for multiple protocols and APIs.

Technical Features

The solution has:

Support for SSH, Telnet, RDP, VNC, RPC, WMI, LDAPS and HTTPS, X11 protocols.