360º Privilege Platform

Redefine Your PAM Experience

All-new senhasegura 360° Privilege Platform
Unmatched performance      
Streamlined usability     
Unbeatable value

Step into the future of Privileged Access Management.

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360° Privilege Platform

A security-first solution that will redefine your Identity Security strategy.

senhasegura’s revolutionary innovations effectively prevent privileged attacks, making it the industry's most comprehensive solution for safeguarding both human and machine identities.

Affordable and thorough, it ensures prime protection for your organization's critical assets while providing unmatched customer support.
Dashboard mockup

Secure Privileged Access

PAM Core expertly manages privileged accounts by centralizing their control, implementing detailed access restrictions, overseeing user activities, and creating in-depth audit trails.

Secure Remote Work

Domum Remote Access securely links remote users to internal systems, administers detailed access controls, monitors user sessions, and employs multi-factor authentication.

DevOps Secret Management

DevOps Secret Manager safely secures sensitive data with access controls, automatic secret rotations, integration with existing DevOps tools, and comprehensive reporting and analytics.

Certificate Management

The Certificate Manager centralizes and automates certificate management, monitors certificate status, and collaborates with Certificate Authorities.

Endpoint & Device Protection

Endpoint Manager implements the Principle of Least Privilege by overseeing app usage, assigning specific privileges, managing credentials, and providing comprehensive reporting and analytics.

Personal Password Manager

MySafe securely stores user credentials in an encrypted vault, generates strong passwords, automates logins, and promotes safe information-sharing.

Cloud Identity and Access Management

Cloud IAM simplifies identity management with multi-factor authentication, role-based controls, audit trails and detailed reporting, and compatibility with current identity providers.

Cloud Entitlements and Infrastructure Management

Cloud Entitlements streamline entitlement management with role-based controls, ongoing risk monitoring, seamless integration with cloud providers, and audit trails for easy reporting.

Leader in Privileged Access & Identity Management

The World's #1 All-In-One PAM Solution

We are committed to empowering our clients to reach security excellence.

As pioneers in privileged access management, we continuously introduce cutting-edge innovations while also following proven methods, ensuring a customer experience that has earned us numerous prestigious awards.
An image of institutes: Gartner, Kuppingercole, Forrester and Frost&Sullivan.
Dashboard mockup

Compare senhasegura with other leading platforms in the market

“senhasegura now has a more powerful PAM proposition, with enhanced usability and forward-thinking on the needs of developers and how PAM fits into Infrastructure as Code (IaC) environments."
– KuppingerCole 2023 Leadership Compass: Privileged Access Management
table with comparison between senhasegura and other pam solutions
Gartner Peer Insights logo.

Best support and highest customer satisfaction in the industry

Only senhasegura has a 5-star customer satisfaction rating and a 98% referral rate.
A star icon.A star icon.A star icon.A star icon.A star icon.
"Very Intuitive Solution"
"My experience is that the panel is good, the modules are very intuitive and have many details and important information that help to locate with agility in our daily routine the support and customer support, before and after you by they provide is with excellent service and relationship."
IT Security & Risk Management Associate
A star icon.A star icon.A star icon.A star icon.A star icon.
“Make Sure To Acquire It!”
"The solution's robust. auditing and reporting capabilities have allowed us to meet compliance requirements effectively. I highly recommend senhasegura for organizations seeking a top-notch Privileged Access Management solution."
IT Security & Risk Management Associate
A star icon.A star icon.A star icon.A star icon.A star icon.
"senhasegura Is A Solid And Trustworthy Tool For Remote Access In Critical Environments."
“senhasegura offers a comprehensive suite of PAM capabilities. The PAM platform seamlessly integrates with various technologies and systems, ensuring controlled access to critical environments using customizable rules and comprehensive monitoring of all privileged sessions.”
Security Office Analyst, IT Services - USA

Discover senhasegura benefits

Cybersecurity & Risk Management Resources

Dive into our extensive library of actionable resources for security teams, managers, and executives.

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eBook | PAM 101
Your ultimate guide to Privileged Access Management solutions.
mockup of senhasegura's guide to attack surface management ebook
eBook | Attack Surface Management
Discover the essential role of PAM in Attack Surface Management.
Download Now >
mockup of senhasegura's ransomware 101 ebook
eBook | Ransomware 101
Understand how to defend against cyber threats using PAM.
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Request a Demo or Meeting

Discover the power of Identity Security and see how it can enhance your organization's security and cyber resilience.

Schedule a demo or a meeting with our experts today.
70% lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) compared to competitors.
90% higher Time to Value (TTV) with a quick 7-minute deployment.
The Only PAM solution available on the market that covers the entire privileged access lifecycle.